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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Booth

La Tomatina

A decade on, I made a return to surely one of the craziest festivals on the planet - Spain’s La Tomatina. Gone was the free entry and estimated 50,000 participants that I was part of in 2012. But the six trucks full of tomatoes expelled onto the narrow streets of Buñol - a small town just outside Valencia - ensured the entertainment and sheer madness remained for those taking part.

The festival began in 1945 and was the result of a parade going wrong, with a dispute between two parties who ended up throwing tomatoes at each other from a nearby vegetable stall. The local council subsequently embraced the event, which has been repeated annually.

160,000 kilos of ripe tomatoes are used and the pelting and throwing lasts for just one hour signalled by a loud bang. I can confirm that bits of tomato get absolutely everywhere and after two showers, I feel I may not have seen the last of this rosy, red fruit on my skin.

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